For those that want to go deeper:

Topics: Impacts of architectural practice; Ideal design; Creation process:

The Architecture we produce is intimately decided with you, our client. We believe our work is an expression of our client’s needs and we feel our vision is best expressed in capturing the individual owner’s style, however architecture is also a public act.

In our practice, we explore how architecture impacts our individual clients as well as the community it serves. According to this design philosophy at Nase Architects, the greater good is served by new construction that complements the aesthetic and increases the cultural value of the buildings around it, rather than depreciating this collective value.

What makes that building have aesthetic and cultural value? It can be a success or total failure depending on which professional is chosen by the the client.  Architecture as 'good building' serves a function, a purpose, and sometimes even a dream. But what underlies a successful product is that it contributes to the client and the public wellbeing as a commemorative celebration of people, place and its time.

Although architecture is not merely a reflection of the immediate cultural times, there are also good reasons why architecture should follow the broad, long-range scope of time.  This is reflected in our attitude towards historic adaptation and preservation design.

We will attempt to share specific design examples of this in later posts. Good architecture speaks for itself; creating a sense of place that aspires to excellent standards. These traditional values are what our practice seeks to learn, interpret and create.

Despite the chaos that can rage everywhere around us, each building created presents an opportunity to affirm and reestablish the inherent order of things. This design philosophy seeks to express our clients’ needs for spaces that can create a sense of peacefulness. Much of what an architect does is to bring out of the client their program which will define the scenes that frame our lives.

Ideally, what we build should last, and indeed will last due to rather stringent building codes, so giving some serious thought to design matters.

It is the architect’s role to provide the balance between what appears to be cultural temporal ideals, and seek to achieve a building design value of timelessness, or at least understand the impact that what we do will be in existence for a long time, if it stands the cultural test of time.

Believing as I do in the continuity of tradition, we try to create order out of the present by understanding past traditions. The study of history helps us sort out enduring values from the momentary experiences of the present. Architecture is a dialogue with the past carried into the present, with an eye cast toward the future. Rather than breaking with the past, I try to root myself more deeply in it. By embracing tradition, however, I do not neglect innovation. I seek the natural progression of traditional forms in new ways by probing the meaning of the past in building design that demonstrates the depth and the scope of the "new-old" transitional style approach.

Architecture as the act of building can be a meaningful experience that achieves the desired successful results. The first choice in your architect will translate to the first design move that can make all the difference.


1 thought on “Blog”

  1. You should write a book based on this perfect writing. Great job really.

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